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Australian Reception on the occasion of 62nd Session of the Commission of the Status of Women.

Theresa and Hon Kelly ODwyer Fotor


Tonight I attended the Australian Reception on the occasion of 62nd Session of the Commission of the Status of Women hosted by HE Ms Gillian Bird Ambassador and Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of Australia to the United Nations and The Hon Kelly O'Dwyer Minister for Women - Government of Australia at the Australian Consulate-General New York along with SISWP members and the many Australian NGOs present that are attending at CSW62. 

The Hon Kelly O'Dwyer spoke on her vision for the tenure of her time as Minister for Women and that she will have a focus on promoting women's economic empowerment with particular focus on advancement of Rural Women's empowerment through access to Financial Resources to enable growth and development for this marginalized sector.


President Theresa Lyford and Hon Kelly ODwyer 

The Minister also reminded those present that Australian Woman were second in the world to gain the right to vote (first being our sisters in New Zealand) but that it took 40 years before women held a seat in Government and other two decades before a woman held a portfolio in Government. Pace of change is somewhat slow and the need to move things along at a faster speed is paramount.

Hon Kelly O'Dwyer catch cry of the night to finish her presentation was “Go Forth and Conquer”.

More updates to come.


Di Kate Jenkins Minister forSex Discrimination also on the Human Rights commission Theresa Dr Skye Saunders ANU YWCA Angela Powditch Team NRWC Fotor








 Di Kate Jenkins Minister forSex Discrimination also on the Human Rights commission Theresa Dr Skye Saunders ANU YWCA Angela Powditch Team NRWC

SISEAP Membership

Soroptimist International is a global movement of women, with members belonging to more than 3,000 clubs in 126 countries/territories, spread over 5 Federations