Reflection on the Charter of Soroptimist International of South Pine
An extract from the History of Soroptimist International South Pine, supplied by Glenys McChesney-Clark, daughter of Audrey Peacock.
The region of Sth Queensland extension officer Audrey Martin, placed an application to the Region to form a new club on the north side of Brisbane,
The President of the Brisbane club, Audrey Peacock, offered to take on the job of interviewing ladies, as suitable prospective members, this offer was gladly accepted by Audrey Martin and in September 1979 the interview process commenced. The suggested area covered many suburbs, as Audrey Peacock lived in this area, within 2 weeks she had 12 interested people to attend the first meeting. The two “Audreys” both attended the first meeting to talk on Soroptimism. Most of the women were interested in joining, regular monthly meetings were set up, the numbers fluctuated. Audrey Martin was travelling from her home in Caloundra to chair the meetings. Audrey Peacock continued to interview more women and the categories of the prospective members were excellent, Solicitor, Physiotherapist, Newsagent, Headmistress, Kindergarten teacher etc. The first service work by the not yet chartered club was to collect items to be given to “Tufnell home”, a children's orphanage in Christmas 1979.
Time passed with regular monthly meetings and in June 1980, three people were nominated as interim office bearers, Jean McCulloch as President, Lois McMillan as Secretary and Bev Whelan as Treasurer. Everyone was feeling the true Soroptimist spirit and were very enthusiastic.
Audrey Martin started proceedings with Head Office to have the club chartered. Service work continued and functions were held to raise money for the charter dinner. Finally, word arrived from head office and the Charter was set for September 13th 1980. Elections were held for the Charter office bearers. President - Glenys McChesney-Clark, Secretary Louis McMillan and Treasurer Mimi Lendvay.
The charter dinner was held at “The Homestead”, Zillmere. The charter was presented by Miss Betty Loughhead, President of Soroptimist International of the South West Pacific, Betty came from Wellington NZ and would go on to be Soroptimist International President. There were 26 charter members, with Audrey Peacock calling members forward and Audrey Martin presenting each with their badges and constitution.
Note: Audrey Martin is still a Soroptimist and is a very active member of SI Moreton North.
List of the club charter members names.
A copy of the President's welcome to dignitiries and members.