Reflection of Joyce Richardson as told by Barbara Francis, Joyce is a member of Southern Districts of Adelaide Club, and a Honorary Life Member of the Region of South Australia. Joyce has been a member of Soroptimist since 1960.
On 17th November, 2020, Joyce Richardson turned 100.
On the 31st October a week or so earlier, Joyce was presented with her badge representing 60 years of service to this club Southern Districts of Adelaide. Joyce continues to attend meetings regularly, keeps a strong interest in all matters affecting our club and is our 'birthday girl'.
Joyce is special as she is a Charter member of our Club. She was specifically targeted in early 1960 to recruit friends and their contacts to form this Club. With her considerable input and being told “get to work Joyce” to find members, this club began with its Charter on 27 October 1960. Meetings were very formal, business procedures strictly adhered to and only professional women were invited to attend.
In those early years Joyce remembers much of the fundraising was done by holding fetes and trading tables ' plants potted for sale and chocolates and cakes made at member's home. Joyce was a good friend of Mary Whitehead, a Soroptimist well known for her contributions to Soroptimism and they travelled not only to an International Conference in Sheffield in the United Kingdom but spent many years going together to the Charter meetings of newly formed clubs. Joyce also went with another member of this club to Singapore. When attending conferences overseas Joyce always enjoyed seeing members in their national costumes and the international presentation of flags.
Joyce was a significant member in the formation of the Federation of the South West Pacific in 1978 as the special dinner for this grand event was held in Adelaide, South Australia. As a result of her extensive contributions for that event Joyce was made an Honorary Member of the Region of South Australia.
Within our club Joyce was President in 1966 and 1978, held the position as Region President for 2 years and was our representative for the Glenelg Community Centre for many years.
In 1987 this Club, Southern Districts of Adelaide nominated and was successful in Joyce receiving a Bicentennial Medal for her services to the community. In 1990 as recognition of her role as President and her commitment to the Welfare of the Aged at the Glenelg Community Centre Joyce was awarded an OAM.
Joyce joined the Police Force as a constable in 1944 and later became the first Police Sergeant in SA. In 1966 she became Principal Head of Police, a position she held until her retirement in 1979. During 1975 whilst still working and attending a Sheffield Soroptimist conference, Joyce was asked to work for Scotland Yard after the conference. An appointment that she readily agreed to and enjoyed very much.
Joyce has continued for so many years to rarely miss a meeting. Whenever there has been a project or activity undertaken by the Club Joyce has fully supported it including cutting up many kilos of onions for our fundraising barbecues! Joyce is to be congratulated and is admired for her incredible contribution and service to Soroptimism for 60 years.
Barbara Francis