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  • South east asia Pacific

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President Suman, invites all to participate in the 100 Acts of Kindness to the Earth.



Suman asks that Soroptimists and friends from the South West Pacific join together to turn off their lights or power for 1 hour on World Environment Day the 5th of June.

Will you join with Suman in this campaign.  Individual actions can make a different to our planet, and when we all join toghether we can contribute to our Brilliant Future.   Switch to solar for the hour,  plan your hour with family and friends as you consider ways to protect our Earth.  

Can't switch off the power for 1 hour, consider leaving the car home or giving up public transport  on the 5th of June, and walking or using your bicycle for transport.  

Global warming, caused by carbon pollution from burning fossil fuels like coal, gas and oil, is having a huge impact on the world around us.  it's impacting the people and places we love.

Join us for this 100th Birthday campaign.    Make a difference to our environment. 


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SISEAP Membership

Soroptimist International is a global movement of women, with members belonging to more than 3,000 clubs in 126 countries/territories, spread over 5 Federations