Phase 2 of the Makmur Tsunami and Earthquake appeal is now beginning. Phase 2 will rebuild lives, rehabilitate and build capacity of women and their families. Read about the Weaving, Sewing, Literacy, Mathematics, Baking and Organic farming training which is to be provided under Phase 2 delivery.
Weaving ' Ongoing and New courses.
The proposed training has been for two separate groups:
1. On-going/advanced training for those weavers who commenced the first program in Sept., 2019.
2. New training programs for the 18 weavers who have not yet participated in any training to date. For the latter, some transfer of knowledge has already commenced by the six master weavers. However, more training is needed for the 18 weavers who are still very much at the basic stage. All of the proposed weaving training programs will continue throughout 2020, to ensure that the weavers become highly skilled at producing top quality woven cloths, using the most intricate, complex traditional designs.
Sewing Ces will take place over one full year, divided up into four quarters. There will be three sessions/classes per week, for a total of 12 sessions per month. The sewing skills are designed to help the women to produce a variety of items to sell. Many such items will be made from the woven cloth the women make. Some women may also be trained to become small entrepreneurs so they can own/manage small businesses
Literacy and Basic Mathematics
The basic literacy and mathematics classes have been divided into two groups: 1. The first group - for those villagers who have not yet mastered the basic skills of reading/writing. 2. The second group - for those who already have some basic literacy skills but who need on-going training. Materials and teaching methods are being adjusted to the needs of each group. New classes in 2020 will also focus on teaching basic mathematics, (addition/subtraction/mulitplication/division).
Cake cooking and baking training
There will be 24 sessions of this Baking Program, over 12 months. Twelve courses will be offered over the first six months, followed by another twelve courses by the end of the year. The main aim of this Baking Program is to provide the women with the skills to make healthy, nutritious, tasty, inexpensive snacks for their families, for every day consumption, as well as for special occasions. Through this program, the villagers will be able to be more self-sufficient and not rely on unhealthy products on the market. Some snacks may also be sold at the local warung (food stalls) or at the market. This will supplement the income of some of the families.
Organic farming
Focus has been on teaching, by transfer of knowledge, the principles of organic farming. To the extent possible, the villager are discouraged from using any chemicals or insecticides, and will have access only to those fertilizers which are environmentally friendly. The aim is to produce healthier and tastier produce in abundant quantities. In so doing, it is hoped that the land will return to its original state before it was ruined by the regular use of chemcials. In this program, emphasis will be on planting vegetables and fruits. Harvest time will be, on average, 3-4 months. The desired outcome is for the villagers' incomes to increase from their organic farming produce, for them to become self-sufficient, and in so doing to improve their lives through consuming healthy produce.
Health and hygiene
The aim of this program is to raise the awareness of the villagers in good health and hygiene practices. From observations to date of the daily practices of the villagers, it is obvious that many do not fully understand the importance of hand washing and daily bathing using soap and clean water to ward off disease and to maintain a healthy body. Many do not possess towels to dry themselves. It is planned to conduct this training for up to 10x/year, to include all villagers, male/female, young and old.