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  • South east asia Pacific

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Programme Reporting Database

Reporiting by clubs on their projects. activities, advocacy, scholarships and donations, provides acurate data on our work.  Data is important to authenticate who and what we do. Reporting on your clubs programme work is done via the SISEAP Programme Database

Reports submitted to the database are then available for viewing and reporting to other clubs, region or National President's and Associations.   The Federation, UN Representatives, National Presidents and clubs, use this data to report to various government bodies and partners. 

Why do we report

The Federation South East Asia Pacific very existence relies on the strength of our Programme of Service, reporting on your Programme of Service is important to the Federation. 

Soroptimist International South East Asia Pacific has special consultative status to the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ESCOC)  has recognised status as a Non-Government Organisation (NGO) with a broad range of expertise and a comprehensive agenda. This allows our collective efforts and opinions to be shared with a wider community and makes us an effective global voice for women.

The data from the database is then available for Soroptimists to use in reports, preparation of submissions on policy, authenticating to governments and the UN the work which is undertaken across the Federation.  The Zonal Coordinators use this data to collate, search and pass the information onto the Federation.  The Federation provides access to this information to  Soroptimist Representatives who use the information for reporting to various United Nations bodies.

Soroptimists world wide work together with other non-government organisations (NGOs) and various United Nations agencies to bring about changes to make the world a better place for this and future generations. 

This amazing organisation of ours starts at the grass roots – the clubs, your work is valuable and we need to ensure that you continue to report on this work.

How to Log onto the Database

All Clubs, Regions and National Presidentes have a unique username and password to enable them to log onto the database.  If you do not know your unique username and password please contact the Programme Database Support person.

All SISEAP members have read access to the programme database..  If you wish to know the unique username and password to enable read rights to the database, contact your Programme Zone Coordinator or the Programme Database Support person.

Programme Database Support

To assist all members with using the Programme Reporting Database,  Anne Allen the Programme Database Support Officer is availalbe to answer any queries and assist with training and tips.

The Programme Database Manual provides a   document high level overview of the operation of the database (610 KB) , you will need to be loged onto the website to download this document

There is also a series of training webinars available for your viewing.  To view the webinars you will need to be logged onto the members area of the website,  

Programme Reporting Database Tip Sheets

This section has a series of tip and information sheets to answer many of the questions often asked by members.  

Why do we Report?     defaultWhy we Report  documentIs (7 KB)

SISEAP Goals and Objectives   SISEAP   defaultGoals and Objectives

Is it   documentAdvocacy  (7 KB)   and   pdfSI Action Advcacy Guide  (117 KB)

   defaultSDGs - How to link Programme to SDG Goals and Targets

Annual Reporting

All club, regional, and national presidents need to report their projects, advocacy work, scholarships, donations, and activities in the reporting database. Then, program zone coordinators, along with club, regional, and national presidents, can use the program database to generate reports. These reports give us stats based on our objectives and the SDGs, showing how much money we've spent on projects, our volunteer hours, the amount of donations (both cash and in-kind), and what activities we've been up to.

Annual Reports can be run at any time throughout the year.  The begin date and the end date, determinds the data returned to you in your report. 

Any member logged into the database may view and download a annual report which is displayed in the list. 

Access to the Reporting Database

All clubs, Regions and National Presidents have a unique user name and password.    If you are tasked with entering in your clubs, regions or countires programme actions to the database and do know know these credentials, please contact the Programme Database support person for these details. 

All members are able to have view or read rights to the database,  this provides you with the ability to search for reports, view and download the information.  To obtain the credentials, you will need to be logged into the website membership area.    pdf Click here for the information.  (68 KB)

SISEAP Membership

Soroptimist International is a global movement of women, with members belonging to more than 3,000 clubs in 126 countries/territories, spread over 5 Federations