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  • Soroptimist International
  • South east asia Pacific

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Soroptimist International South East Asia Pacific aims to create a world where women and girls have the opportunity to reach their full potential and live free from discrimination and violence.

Goal 2: The Soroptimist federations will be linked through their efforts to improve the lives of women and girls through education, empowerment and enabling opportunities.

Soroptimist International South East Asia Pacific achieves this through projects which address the 8 Objectives,, listed below, are examples of projects delivered under each of the objectives.

SISEAP Objectives


  • Providing access to quality education for women and girls
  • Address barriers preventing women and girls from achieving their full potential by supporting educational programs and scholarship
  • Providing education materials such as laptops, stationery, books and other essential school items
  • Promote and provide vocatonal and skills training enabling women and girls to gain employment

Projects address SDG 4 and most other SDGs in some way

Elimination of violence 

  • Combating violence against women and girls,  by providing public education campaigns that actively raise awareness to the different forms of violence against women and girls
  • Participation in the UN's "Orange the World" campaign
  • Participation in the UN's "16 Days of Activism" campaign
  • Leadership Development

Projects address SDGs 3,5,11,16

Economic empowerment

  • Empowering women economically through skills training, microfinance, and business development.
  • Develop Leadership skills in women and girls through training and development

Project address SDGs 1,2,7,8,,9

Food security

  • Promoting initiatives and projects which support sustainable agriculture
  • Empowering women in Agriculture, women play a vital role in food production
  • Improving access to resources through assisting women to gain access to land, credit, markets and training

These projects address SDGs 1,2,3,15


  • Promoting Womens Health through awareness campaigns such as breast cancer, cervical cancer HIV/AIDS and maternal health, family planning and reproductive health courses
  • Provide women and girls with essential health care products
  • Support and provide training for women in nursing, midwifery and community health
  • Promote women in Health Leadership

 These Projects address: SDGs 2,3,10,11

Environmental sustainability/water and sanitation

  • Funding of water and sanitation project, through construction and maintenance of wells, clearn water, sanitaiton facilities and building of toilets in schools
  • Provide education and training to promote good hygiene practice and proper sanitation
  • Education on reduction of waste especially plastic pollution
  • Advocating for policy that protects water and land resources

These projects address SDGs 6,7,11,12,14,15

Conflict resolution/peace promotion

  • Actively advocate for more women in the peace process and decision making.
  • Promote Gender Equality through addressing issues such as poverty, literacy and discrimination
  • Advocate for Human Rights
  • Provide Humanitarian Aid to war torn areas, and assist migrant women fleeing from conflict.

These proejcts address SDGs 16,11

Disaster relief, mitigation and resilience

  • Soroptimists clubs will mobilize quickly to provide short and medium term relief to communities
  • Provide essential supplies such as food, water, clothing, hygiene products
  • Provide medium to long term support after disasters which address emotional and psychological issues
  • Provide education of disaster prepardness and evacuating plans. 

These projects address SDGs 5,13,16

SISEAP Membership

Soroptimist International is a global movement of women, with members belonging to more than 3,000 clubs in 126 countries/territories, spread over 5 Federations