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Consultative Status of Women (CSW69)

The information on this page is for members and guests.  The page will be updated regularly over the weeks of CSW69.  You will find links to SI and SISEAP events, actions to undertake, blogs and latest news about the event.

Soroptimist International South East Asia Pacific, hold special consultative status at ECOSOC.  SISEAP a non-governmental organisation (NGO's) was granted special consultative status in 2014.

As an NGO with Special Consultative Status, SISEAP is invited to participate in the annual Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) in New York. The Commission on the Status of Women is:

  • A functional commission of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).
  • The principal global intergovernmental body exclusively dedicated to the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women.
  • Established by resolution on 21 June 1946 to monitor and promote women’s rights
  • The CSW is instrumental in promoting women’s rights, documenting the reality of women’s lives throughout the world, and shaping global standards on gender equality and the empowerment of women.
  • The Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action is a visionary agenda for the empowerment of women. It is also one of the reference frameworks to analyse the situation of women around the world and to assess the efforts of States in support of women’s empowerment.
  • Progress on implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action (BPFA) is reviewed by the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) every five years.
Reference UN and UN Women

What Happens at CSW?

Official representatives from member states and civil society and NGO's can attend the formal CSW meetings and the accompanying side events on women’s issues which are sponsored by member states.

As SISEAP hold special consultative status, we are able to have delegates attend the two-week session.  NGOCSW, the civil society arm of CSW presents the NGOCSW Forum where hundreds of sessions, known as parallel events are open for all interested parties to attend. To attend in person NGO's must register their official representatives.  But now with hybrid events, members can register to attend for virtual events, to register for parallel inperson and virtual events visit

Soroptimist participation at CSW69

CSW69 will be held in New York from the 10 - 21 March 2025.  This year joining President Joanne, Programme Convenor Donnell will be 7 SISEAP delegates.  The energy from a big group of SISEAP Soroptimists, will ensure that gender equality issues from Asia Pacific will be front and centre, we will ensure that the Soroptimist voice is heard. 

Authorised SISEAP Delegates are:

Dr Senata Tinaiseru Ratumaitavuki - Fiji
Munkhtsetseg Jargalsaikhan - Mongolia
Lindasari Anggorowati - Indonesia
Raelene McMullen - New Zealand
Theresa Lyford - Company Secretary and SI Board member 

Indira Chatterjee - South Australia
Cherrie Power - Victoria and National Treasurer Australia
Judy Toll - Western Australia
Sarah Barnbrook - Melbourne

How to participate virtually

NGO CSW/NY ensures that the voices and leadership of feminist and women's rights organizations all over the world are included in UN deliberations. 

NGO CSW/NY facilities a platform for NGO participation in CSW69, these can be in person or virtual events. 

Soroptimists and interested feminists may register to participate in the virtual meetings and workshops


Register for free via the NGO CSW link, upon registration you will receive access to the WHOVA dedicated CSW69 event platform. 

On the WHOVA platform you are able to register to attend thousands of live webinars, or register to watch at a more convenient time.



Live webinar from New York

TitleAdolescents - Agents for Advocacy

SISEAP will be hosting a live virtual event from New York join President Joanne, Programme Convenor Donell and other guest speakers on

Saturday 15th of March at 8.30am AEDT


Over the 14 days, there will be multiple events held both inperson and virtually by Soroptimist International and the 5 Federations 

For all events visit the SI CSW page, the event listed will be updated as informtion become available.


There will be negotiations between Member States at CSW69 (10-21 March) to Revitalise the meetings, the NGO Communities (us and others like us) want the States to be more accountable with our requests binding, which means that what they agree to has to be implemented within the Nations around the globe.

The global Women's groups are tired of repeating the same requests like "STOP Violence Against Women" for decades without any development! 

NGOCSW have produced a report with recommendations of the NGO CSW NY Advocacy and Research Group (ARG): Read the Report Here content/uploads/2025/02/FINAL. FINAL_.Submission-by-the-NGO-C SW-NY-to-UN-Women.pdf

NGOCSW are requesting that NGO's and individuals endorse the recommendation of the ARG:   To sign the petition: forms/d/e/ 1FAIpQLSeSQVI2jpVl5q2Xd1M6tjHt 63fB1IHX3-qHScjmGzjy3nFfiw/ viewform?usp=header

Info on the ARG of which Linda and Berthe are members of: us/advocacy/arg/.

When completing the petition, some points to assist you.
Your organisation would be club name "Soroptimist International of xxxxx" 
tick 'Affiliation with Economic and Social Council"
Headquarters: Sydney, Australia
Website of your organisation would be: ""

SISEAP Membership

Soroptimist International is a global movement of women, with members belonging to more than 3,000 clubs in 126 countries/territories, spread over 5 Federations