Each year, Soroptimist Clubs and Regions are invited to nominate a project for the Best Practice Award. The projects need to demonstrate their excellence in planning, administering and evaluating a project to transform lives for women and girls around the Federation, This is a prestigious award, showcasing projects which have achieved results.
This is the 2017 Best Practice Award winners.
SI Bayside - Stick it to Violence PFR 49312
This project, "Stick it to Domestic Violence” was essentially a community education project. It aimed to raise awareness of the issues and educate the whole Redlands community that domestic and family violence is not to be tolerated- Not Now, Not Ever! It was also to suggest an alternative philosophy- “non- violence is contagious- give it to a friend.” Partnerships were formed with a number of community based organisations, including the local council. Funding, obtained through an application by SI Bayside and made available as a template to other organisations, made possible the distribution of 60,000 stickers to every household in the area which had been identified as a “hot spot. Stickers were placed on garbage trucks and council vehicles as well as in other public areas ensured community wide distribution and monitoring and evaluation was thorough and relevant. This was a well-planned, executed and evaluated project which was selected by the Department of Communities, Services and Disabilities as an exemplar of “communities working together.”

Elimination of Violence
SI Region of South QLD - Photo Voice PFR 41683
This project was phase 2 of a previous project which aimed to give a voice to victims and to demonstrate through their voices the need to eliminate Domestic Violence. It involved the production and distribution of a book containing photos and the stories of women for practitioners in the field throughout Queensland. The project involved production of the book within budget, and a plan for distribution and monitoring and was carefully planned and evaluated. 7000 books were produced and distributed throughout the region by clubs and other organisations. Storage, distribution and monitoring were all tracked to ensure efficiency and avoid duplication. Feedback has been positive and this ambitious project achieved its carefully delineated aims.

Economic Empowerment
SI Gold Coast - Sewing Circle for Migrant Women PFR 41777
Their project “Sewing Circle for Migrant Women” is one which has transformed the lives of African refugee women and has enabled them to acquire not only specific skills but increased confidence, improved language and the establishment of a support group.
Collaboration with the local Migrant Centre, partnerships within the local business and now the City Council have seen the initial small group of quiet and unskilled women become a group which has outgrown its original premises. Club members were actively engaged in sessions which taught the use of sewing machines, how to use patterns and templates and ultimately to produce clothing. These skills have enabled an opportunity to find a pathway to employment. Their English language skills have improved, confidence has grown and assimilation into the local community has been accelerated. Its success is measured by increased demand.

SI Invercargill - Murihiku Young Parents Learning Centre PFR 41309
Murihiku Young Parents Learning Centre is a project that ensures that teenage mothers have access to the best possible opportunity to achieve future employment by providing mentoring and advocacy on their behalf to ensure that they can achieve their potential. Each young woman is provided with help that is specific to her needs. This may include but is not limited to CV preparation, mentoring, work experience, career advice in specialist areas, grooming and community work. Practical experience through work experience has been facilitated and part time work has been provided. These young mothers are better prepared for work and testimonials validate the effectiveness of the project which is ongoing. Tailored to each student this project provides practical and specialised help towards employment.

SI Murray Bridge - Murray Mallee Wig Library PFR 41869
This project was initiated after members heard about the benefits to women who were suffering from cancer or other health issues and whose confidence and self-esteem had suffered through the loss of their hair.
Their Project “Murray Mallee Wig Library” was initiated after members heard about the benefits to women who were suffering from cancer or other health issues and whose confidence and self-esteem had suffered through the loss of their hair. Discussions with health practitioners verified that there was a local need and the Soroptimist club undertook its establishment. A suitable premise with discreet entry was sourced and equipped. Funds were obtained through a grant application and commercial and private sources provided stock in a variety of styles and colours. Club members organised record keeping, finances and staff the centre. The library was very quickly utilised and services a wide area for women in need

Environmentally Sustainability
SI Lautoka - Vuda Water Project 41755
The village school with more than 350 enrolments was often without water during the dry season and this had significant health implications for hygiene and sanitation
The project, Vuda Water Project was one which reflected solid partnerships between the club, local business, private benefactors and the village school itself. The village school with more than 350 enrolments was often without water during the dry season and this had significant health implications for hygiene and sanitation so often it had to be closed. The club, which has undertaken a number of water projects, was approached by the school. The club investigated the need, calculated the tank size required, approached a local business for a quote and was given free transportation and sourced another private donation. The school undertook to provide piping for a number of purposes. Members maintained constant contact with all parties until the system was installed and then visited the project.