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Sanctuary Shelter for Women was the successful nominated project at the Conference of Clubs held in Sydney in 2016.  The object of the project was to build the first ever female refuge home in Fiji, a place where women and children could find sanctuary during disasters or domestic violence.  Soroptimists are an optimistic bunch and against many obstacles, the project was approved to be continued in the 2016-2018 Biennium and did not come to fruitition until mid 2020. 

Over the 4 years, plans had to be redrawn to ensure the building was of the hightest standard to meet cyclone building compliances, a MOU with the Fijian government was to be brokered.  The Fijian government kindly donated the land on which the home was to be built, and finally work commenced and Soroptimists were excited to watch the progress.

 Project Vision 

Fiji is ranked 4th in the world in terms of Violence. 

It is very prone to natural disasters, in particular flooding and cyclones.

Shortages of shelters for victims of domestic violence, women and children are often taken back to their own homes, where the offenders can re-offend. 

What will the project accomplish?

Project Sanctuary Brochure image 1

The  project will build several shelters in various locations in Fiji, the shelters will consist of 2 bedroom houses, each with 4 beds, sitting room, dining room, 

kitchen, bathroom, toilet and an office.  

The office wlll be a dedicated space for ongoing counselling, training, and education, and access to support services.

Project Manager: Maria Doton 


  • Making a house a home

    What began as an idea which was presented at the Conference of Clubs in Sydney in 2016 and was voted on by you as Club Members of SISWP as our Federation Project for 2016 ' 2018 and then again continued by President Anusha for 2018 ' 2020 has finally come to fruition. After 4 years I am delighted to advise that the First Sanctuary: Shelter for Women building has been finished.

  • Sanctuary Shelter for Women Fiji Progress Update

    Read important updates on Federation Project Sanctuary Shelter for Women from Past President and Federation Project Liaison Theresa Lyford.

  • Our SISWP Federation Project ' “Sanctuary: Shelter for Women” in Fiji is about to commence building SISWP's first Shelter in Lautoka. SISWP Project Manager Dr Maria Doton was recently at the site with the Surveryor and Building Contractor for the pegging out the boundary of the property reading for final clearing, levelling of the land and checking of the building plans.


  • It's Official - Sanctuary: Shelter for Women Fiji - Building Contract Signed

    On 20th May 2019 the official signing of the Building Contract for Fiji Sanctuary Shelters took place between SISWP and Aggregate Solutions (Builder).

  • Read the latest news about the Sanctuary: Shelter for Women,  Federation of the South West Pacific current 2-year project.  


    President Anusha Santhirasthipam announced at the Conference of Clubs 2018, that the Sanctuary: Shelter for Women project would continue as the Federation Project for the next 2 years. 

SISEAP Membership

Soroptimist International is a global movement of women, with members belonging to more than 3,000 clubs in 126 countries/territories, spread over 5 Federations