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  • South east asia Pacific

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Programme Reporting Database

Reporiting by clubs on their projects. activities, advocacy, scholarships and donations, provides acurate data on our work.  Data is important to authenticate who and what we do. Reporting on your clubs programme work is done via the SISEAP Programme Database

Reports submitted to the database are then available for viewing and reporting to other clubs, region or National President's and Associations.   The Federation, UN Representatives, National Presidents and clubs, use this data to report to various government bodies and partners. 

Why do we report

The Federation South East Asia Pacific very existence relies on the strength of our Programme of Service, reporting on your Programme of Service is important to the Federation. 

Soroptimist International South East Asia Pacific has special consultative status to the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ESCOC)  has recognised status as a Non-Government Organisation (NGO) with a broad range of expertise and a comprehensive agenda. This allows our collective efforts and opinions to be shared with a wider community and makes us an effective global voice for women.

The data from the database is then available for Soroptimists to use in reports, preparation of submissions on policy, authenticating to governments and the UN the work which is undertaken across the Federation.  The Zonal Coordinators use this data to collate, search and pass the information onto the Federation.  The Federation provides access to this information to  Soroptimist Representatives who use the information for reporting to various United Nations bodies.

Soroptimists world wide work together with other non-government organisations (NGOs) and various United Nations agencies to bring about changes to make the world a better place for this and future generations. 

This amazing organisation of ours starts at the grass roots – the clubs, your work is valuable and we need to ensure that you continue to report on this work.

How to Log onto the Database

image of the log in screen

All Clubs, Regions and National Presidentes have a unique username and password to enable them to log onto the database.  If you do not know your unique username and password please contact the Programme Database Support person.

All SISEAP members have read access to the programme database..  If you wish to know the unique username and password to enable read rights to the database, contact your Programme Zone Coordinator or the Programme Database Support person.

Link to the Programme Reporting Database

Programme Database Support

To assist all members with using the Programme Reporting Database,  Anne Allen the Programme Database Support Officer is availalbe to answer any queries and assist with training and tips.

The Programme Database Manual provides a   document high level overview of the operation of the database (610 KB) , you will need to be loged onto the website to download this document

There is also a series of training webinars available for your viewing.  To view the webinars you will need to be logged onto the members area of the website,  

Link to SISEAP training webinars

Programme Reporting Database Tip Sheets

This section has a series of tip and information sheets to answer many of the questions often asked by members.  

Why do we Report?     defaultWhy we Report  documentIs (7 KB)

SISEAP Goals and Objectives   SISEAP   defaultGoals and Objectives

Is it   documentAdvocacy  (7 KB)   and   pdfSI Action Advcacy Guide  (117 KB)

   defaultSDGs - How to link Programme to SDG Goals and Targets

Annual Reporting

All club, regional, and national presidents need to report their projects, advocacy work, scholarships, donations, and activities in the reporting database. Then, program zone coordinators, along with club, regional, and national presidents, can use the program database to generate reports. These reports give us stats based on our objectives and the SDGs, showing how much money we've spent on projects, our volunteer hours, the amount of donations (both cash and in-kind), and what activities we've been up to.

Annual Reports can be run at any time throughout the year.  The begin date and the end date, determinds the data returned to you in your report. 

Any member logged into the database may view and download a annual report which is displayed in the list. 

Access to the Reporting Database

All clubs, Regions and National Presidents have a unique user name and password.    If you are tasked with entering in your clubs, regions or countires programme actions to the database and do know know these credentials, please contact the Programme Database support person for these details. 

All members are able to have view or read rights to the database,  this provides you with the ability to search for reports, view and download the information.  To obtain the credentials, you will need to be logged into the website membership area.    pdf Click here for the information.  (68 KB)

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Soroptimist International South East Asia Pacific aims to create a world where women and girls have the opportunity to reach their full potential and live free from discrimination and violence.

Goal 2: The Soroptimist federations will be linked through their efforts to improve the lives of women and girls through education, empowerment and enabling opportunities.

Soroptimist International South East Asia Pacific achieves this through projects which address the 8 Objectives,, listed below, are examples of projects delivered under each of the objectives.

SISEAP Objectives


  • Providing access to quality education for women and girls
  • Address barriers preventing women and girls from achieving their full potential by supporting educational programs and scholarship
  • Providing education materials such as laptops, stationery, books and other essential school items
  • Promote and provide vocatonal and skills training enabling women and girls to gain employment

Projects address SDG 4 and most other SDGs in some way

Elimination of violence 

  • Combating violence against women and girls,  by providing public education campaigns that actively raise awareness to the different forms of violence against women and girls
  • Participation in the UN's "Orange the World" campaign
  • Participation in the UN's "16 Days of Activism" campaign
  • Leadership Development

Projects address SDGs 3,5,11,16

Economic empowerment

  • Empowering women economically through skills training, microfinance, and business development.
  • Develop Leadership skills in women and girls through training and development

Project address SDGs 1,2,7,8,,9

Food security

  • Promoting initiatives and projects which support sustainable agriculture
  • Empowering women in Agriculture, women play a vital role in food production
  • Improving access to resources through assisting women to gain access to land, credit, markets and training

These projects address SDGs 1,2,3,15


  • Promoting Womens Health through awareness campaigns such as breast cancer, cervical cancer HIV/AIDS and maternal health, family planning and reproductive health courses
  • Provide women and girls with essential health care products
  • Support and provide training for women in nursing, midwifery and community health
  • Promote women in Health Leadership

 These Projects address: SDGs 2,3,10,11

Environmental sustainability/water and sanitation

  • Funding of water and sanitation project, through construction and maintenance of wells, clearn water, sanitaiton facilities and building of toilets in schools
  • Provide education and training to promote good hygiene practice and proper sanitation
  • Education on reduction of waste especially plastic pollution
  • Advocating for policy that protects water and land resources

These projects address SDGs 6,7,11,12,14,15

Conflict resolution/peace promotion

  • Actively advocate for more women in the peace process and decision making.
  • Promote Gender Equality through addressing issues such as poverty, literacy and discrimination
  • Advocate for Human Rights
  • Provide Humanitarian Aid to war torn areas, and assist migrant women fleeing from conflict.

These proejcts address SDGs 16,11

Disaster relief, mitigation and resilience

  • Soroptimists clubs will mobilize quickly to provide short and medium term relief to communities
  • Provide essential supplies such as food, water, clothing, hygiene products
  • Provide medium to long term support after disasters which address emotional and psychological issues
  • Provide education of disaster prepardness and evacuating plans. 

These projects address SDGs 5,13,16

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Programme BPA Nominations are now Open

Nominations are now open!.   Nominate a project or advocacy action which your club undertook during 2024,

Your report must have been submitted to the SISEAP Programme database and have been approved. 

Applications close on the 1st of April 2025.

Awards are open for each of the 8 objectives and Award recipients will be announced at the Federation Meeting in May 2025


Information to Members

Soroptimist International South East Asia Pacific, Best Practice Awards are a celebration of the work of Clubs throughout the Federation. It achnowledges expertise in the planning and process of creating an effective project.

It serves also as an inspiration to other Clubs of what can be achieved with careful planning and can stimulate a willingness to undertake something different and challenging in their own Clubs.

The Programme Best Practice Awards (BPA's) are an annual award.   These awards are presented yearly at the Federation Meeting. 

There is an award presented for each of the 8 Objectives.   Follow this link to view the Objectives. 

The Process


Clubs are able to nominate a chosen project for one or more objective. 

The chosen project must have been submitted to the Programme Database and have been approved.  The chosen project will have been allocated what is known as a PFR No.  This number  must be included in the application.

The Programme Team will call for Nominations around January / February of each year.  Please watch out for the link to the nomination form in the Latest News section of the Programme Members area, it will also be publicised in the eSPAN. Additionally Programme Zone coordinators will also encourage Clubs to submit a project for nomination.

Members of the Programme team and at times independent judges will be appointed to judge the applications. 

The questions on the application form are weighted, this assists with the judging process.

An document example (99 KB) of a BPA application form can be viewed here,  please note that these questions may change slightly each year. 


Winning a Best Practice Award is a valued reward for a Soroptimist Club initiating a project or advocacy work which has benefited their community and contributed to the improvement in the lives of women and girls.

Additional Resource Material

Previous Best Practice Award Winners

  • Best Practice Awards 2024


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  • Best Practice Awards 2023



  • Best Practice Awards 2022


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  • Best Practice Awards 2021


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  • Best Practice Awards 2020


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  • Best Practice Awards 2019


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  • Best Practice Awards 2018


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  • Best Practice Awards 2017


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  • Best Practice Awards 2016


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Programme Committee 2024-2026

The Programme Committee, led by Dr. Donnell Davis, is composed of a diverse group of women from across the Federation. These dedicated volunteers contribute their time and expertise, to assist SISEAP members in all aspects of Programme work. To provide assistance to help implement projects and programs aimed at driving change. Their work reflects SISEAP’s commitment to the education, empowerment, and enabling of women and girls, reinforcing the organization's mission to foster positive transformation in society.

Programme Committee Roles

Programme Convenor

 Dr Donnell Davis 

The Programme Convenor is the Chair of the Programme Committee,

  • A member of the SI Global Impact committee, working on Soroptimist International Global Policy.
  • The SISEAP representative at ECOSOC AND ESCAP meetings in the South East Asia Pacific region. 
  • Has a lead role in the Brilliant Futures Process
  • Is on the panel to review and judge submission to the Brilliant Futures Fund

Assistant Programme Convenors

Asst Programme Convenor 1 - Rhonda McCormack

Asst Programme Convenor 2 -  Saradha Narayanan

The two assistant programme convenors assist the Programme Convenor in her role. 

  • Contribute to policy and procedure.
  • Congribute to the eSPAN
  • Contribute to toolkits for SISEAP special days
  • Review reports (Projects and Advocacy) submitted to the SISEAP Programme reporting database
  • Assists the Programme Zone Coordinators with their review of reports and any other assistance to clubs where required. 
  • Contribute to panel discussion on submissions to the Brilliant Futures Fund.

Programme Zone Coordinators

There are 4 Programme Zone Coordinators, each of the zone coordinators have been allocated clubs from the Federation, these are grouped into Zones. 

Zone 1 Programme Coordinator - Robyn Cain

Zone 2 Programme Coordinator - Nooraini Binti Mohd Yasin

Zone 3 Programme Coordinator - Pauline Glover

Zone 4 Programme Coordinator -Elizabeth Harrison

One of the primary tasks of the zone coordinators is to review the reports submitted by a club to the programme database which relate to scholarships, donations and activities.  

The zone coordinators are a clubs first link with the programme team.   The zone coordinators will assist their allocated club with any programme related issues and information.  

An important aspect of the review and approval process is to ensure consistency with the reports, ie, Objectives, SDG targets, language, donation amounts, goods in kind, and follow up with the clubs to advise them to submit either an Advocacy or Donation report, if this was an action from a Project or Activity. 

The Programme Zone coordinators contribute:

  • to the running of the programme committee. 
  • contribute to toolkits, SISEAP special days and UN days and campaigns.
  • contribute to the eSPAN

Programme Communiations Officer

SISEAP Programme Communications - Cesarina Gigante

Assists the Programme team in all programme communication matters.

  • Editor of the eSPAN
  • Editor of programme webinars
  • Assists with programme publications, toolkits and communications regarding SISEAP campaigns and UN days
  • Member of the Federation Communications committee.

SISEAP Programme Reporting Database

SISEAP Programme Reporting database Support - Anne Allen

Administers the SISEAP Programme Reporting database.  

  • Is a member of the Federation Programme Team 
  • Escalates issues to the developers
  • Investigates ways to improve the database
  • Provides tip sheets and training on the use of the database

Club Zone Allocation

Each of the clubs in the Federation are allocated to a Zone Coordinator for programme support.  Please review this Programme Zone chart for your clubs zone coordinator.

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Consultative Status of Women (CSW69)

The information on this page is for members and guests.  The page will be updated regularly over the weeks of CSW69.  You will find links to SI and SISEAP events, actions to undertake, blogs and latest news about the event.

Soroptimist International South East Asia Pacific, hold special consultative status at ECOSOC.  SISEAP a non-governmental organisation (NGO's) was granted special consultative status in 2014.

As an NGO with Special Consultative Status, SISEAP is invited to participate in the annual Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) in New York. The Commission on the Status of Women is:

  • A functional commission of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).
  • The principal global intergovernmental body exclusively dedicated to the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women.
  • Established by resolution on 21 June 1946 to monitor and promote women’s rights
  • The CSW is instrumental in promoting women’s rights, documenting the reality of women’s lives throughout the world, and shaping global standards on gender equality and the empowerment of women.
  • The Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action is a visionary agenda for the empowerment of women. It is also one of the reference frameworks to analyse the situation of women around the world and to assess the efforts of States in support of women’s empowerment.
  • Progress on implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action (BPFA) is reviewed by the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) every five years.
Reference UN and UN Women

What Happens at CSW?

Official representatives from member states and civil society and NGO's can attend the formal CSW meetings and the accompanying side events on women’s issues which are sponsored by member states.

As SISEAP hold special consultative status, we are able to have delegates attend the two-week session.  NGOCSW, the civil society arm of CSW presents the NGOCSW Forum where hundreds of sessions, known as parallel events are open for all interested parties to attend. To attend in person NGO's must register their official representatives.  But now with hybrid events, members can register to attend for virtual events, to register for parallel inperson and virtual events visit

Soroptimist participation at CSW69

CSW69 will be held in New York from the 10 - 21 March 2025.  This year joining President Joanne, Programme Convenor Donnell will be 7 SISEAP delegates.  The energy from a big group of SISEAP Soroptimists, will ensure that gender equality issues from Asia Pacific will be front and centre, we will ensure that the Soroptimist voice is heard. 

Authorised SISEAP Delegates are:

Dr Senata Tinaiseru Ratumaitavuki - Fiji
Munkhtsetseg Jargalsaikhan - Mongolia
Lindasari Anggorowati - Indonesia
Raelene McMullen - New Zealand
Theresa Lyford - Company Secretary and SI Board member 

Indira Chatterjee - South Australia
Cherrie Power - Victoria and National Treasurer Australia
Judy Toll - Western Australia
Sarah Barnbrook - Melbourne

How to participate virtually

NGO CSW/NY ensures that the voices and leadership of feminist and women's rights organizations all over the world are included in UN deliberations. 

NGO CSW/NY facilities a platform for NGO participation in CSW69, these can be in person or virtual events. 

Soroptimists and interested feminists may register to participate in the virtual meetings and workshops


Register for free via the NGO CSW link, upon registration you will receive access to the WHOVA dedicated CSW69 event platform. 

On the WHOVA platform you are able to register to attend thousands of live webinars, or register to watch at a more convenient time.



Live webinar from New York

TitleAdolescents - Agents for Advocacy

SISEAP will be hosting a live virtual event from New York join President Joanne, Programme Convenor Donell and other guest speakers on

Saturday 15th of March at 8.30am AEDT



Over the 14 days, there will be multiple events held both inperson and virtually by Soroptimist International and the 5 Federations 

For all events visit the SI CSW page, the event listed will be updated as informtion become available.




There will be negotiations between Member States at CSW69 (10-21 March) to Revitalise the meetings, the NGO Communities (us and others like us) want the States to be more accountable with our requests binding, which means that what they agree to has to be implemented within the Nations around the globe.

The global Women's groups are tired of repeating the same requests like "STOP Violence Against Women" for decades without any development! 

NGOCSW have produced a report with recommendations of the NGO CSW NY Advocacy and Research Group (ARG): Read the Report Here content/uploads/2025/02/FINAL. FINAL_.Submission-by-the-NGO-C SW-NY-to-UN-Women.pdf

NGOCSW are requesting that NGO's and individuals endorse the recommendation of the ARG:   To sign the petition: forms/d/e/ 1FAIpQLSeSQVI2jpVl5q2Xd1M6tjHt 63fB1IHX3-qHScjmGzjy3nFfiw/ viewform?usp=header

Info on the ARG of which Linda and Berthe are members of: us/advocacy/arg/.

When completing the petition, some points to assist you.
Your organisation would be club name "Soroptimist International of xxxxx" 
tick 'Affiliation with Economic and Social Council"
Headquarters: Sydney, Australia
Website of your organisation would be: ""

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Step 1

Review the criteria and guideline documents and supporting documents. 

Step 2

Collect the information and material you will need to apply, read the application questions  

Step 3

Go to the online application form and complete. 

Step 4

Submit your application.

Application Guidelines

The Brilliant Futures Fund Grant will provide a single grant of up to  AUD$10,000.  The project must have a strong educational focus.  The nominated project should address but is not inclusive to the following:

●     Vision and Mission of SISEAP

●     Increasing education opportunities for women 

●     Women’s sustainable economic independence

●     Women in leadership

●     Entrepreneurship project

 The Nominated project can be:

●     New Project

●     Or an Existing project 

A Club, collective of clubs or a country may only submit one application for each round of funding.   

 The Project must recognize and respect diversity of individuals, families or communities. SISEAP and the Brilliant Futures fund branding must be used on all publicity material. 

Length of Project 
The project should be delivered within 12 months of the signing of the grant agreement. 

New Projects  
The project will need to be started and completed within 12 months of signing of the grant agreement.

Existing Projects
The portion of work which was nominated for the grant, will have to be started and completed within 12 months of signing of the grant agreement.

Benefit Requirements
1.    Beneficiaries should be mostly women and girls

2.    The project must have a strong education foundation 

3.    The Education component could cover amongst others the following:

●     improvement in livelihood 

●     improved gender equality

●     employment opportunities 

●     address a gap in education.

●     literacy skills

●     vocational skills

●     training of women

●     train the trainer

 4.    It would be preferable that the project can be sustained after completion 

 The Project should also consider:

●     Increased education opportunities

●     Improvement in livelihoods or improved gender equality

●     What education gap does the project address for example; literacy, skills, vocational skills

●     Demonstrate how the project will be delivered and by whom.

●     Demonstrate clear evidence of the identified target group

  What won’t be funded in your application
●     Any project which does not have an educational element

●     Capital works

●     Monitor and travel costs must not exceed 10% of the grant

●     Major equipment purchases which exceed 30% of the grant.

●     Fundraising or the general administrative costs of the club/region/country.

●     Retrospective payments for a project which is continuing or has already started.

Who Can apply?
●     Club

●     Collective of Clubs

●     National President's on behalf of their country.

Supporting policies
The nominated project must nominate the Programme Objectives, SDGs and Target which the project will address, and how it will address these areas.  Please read the SISEAP:

●     Programme objectives 

●     SDG guidelines

Additional supporting documents which require reading before proceeding with the application.

☐   Brilliant Futures Fund Guidelines Document

☐   The Brilliant Futures Fund grant agreement form

☐  The Progress Narrative report

☐   The Final acquittal form.

☐  SISEAP Vulnerable persons policy

☐  SISEAP Anti Fraud and anti corruption policy

☐  SISEAP Conflict of interest policy and procedure

 The nominated project must also actively promote and address the SI tagline Educate, Empower and Enable and a “global voice for women”.

The successful applicant will be required to sign the Acceptance of Grant document which will include the amount of funding, timeline of start and end of project, reporting terms, and grant acquittal form to be returned at end of project.

●     If the project is not started within 4 months of receiving the grant, then the funding will be forfeited

●     Any funding not used at the end of the project will need to be returned to SISEAP. 

●     The applicant will need to provide the amount of financial, donations or in kind which will be contributed by the applicant. 

The successful applicant will need to report to the SISEAP Federation Project Liaison who in turn will report to the Board. 

The Progress Narrative report will be submitted quarterly, which will include an expense sheet, and photographic evidence of progress. 

During the project, images will be used for promotional purposes, website and social media, permission will need to be obtained to use these images. 

During the project, the SISEAP communications team and the programme team will reach out to you to provide, good news stories which can be used throughout the project for publicity

 Within 3 months of the close of the project the applicant must submit a close out report which identifies among others:

●     Acquittal Details 

●     Project Details

●     Activity Summary

●     Key Learnings

●     Sustainability of Impacts

●     Financials with receipts

●     Any variations and why?

●     Proof of purchase for the expenditure, other receipts or bank statements

●     Confirmation that project took place i.e. photographs etc

●     Any public acknowledgement of the project e.g. links to social media, website, copies of press releases, e-newsletter or media coverage

●     Evidence SISEAP branding was used and recognised throughout the project. 

How to apply?
You will need to complete the application form, to complete the application form you will need to be logged onto your club, or national presidents SISEAP email account, reason is that you need to be able to upload supporting documentation.    The Programme Team will judge each of the applications for the current round. 

How will the application be assessed?
The applications will be judged on a weighted response to the questions in the application form. The Programme Team will review each application and mark accordingly. 


Latest News


Members should read the following documents before proceeding with their application.   

Remember that the programme team members are ready to assist you with any enquiries or help with the application process. 

Note:  You will need to log onto the members area to download the documents. 

pdf (273 KB)

document (232 KB)

pdf SISEAP Policy for Working with Vulnerable Persons (186 KB)

document SISEAP Vulnerable persons incident reporting template (162 KB)

pdf Brilliant Futures guidelines Document (273 KB)

document SISEAP BFF Grant Agreement v1 (232 KB)

document Brilliant Futures Fund example of Application Form V3 (2.80 MB)

document Brilliant Futures Progress Narrative Report v3 October 2024 (164 KB)

document Brilliant Futures Fund Final Acquittal Form v3 October 2024 (154 KB)

pdf SISEAP Conflict of Interest Policy and Procedures for External Conduct V1 (222 KB)

pdf SISEAP Anti fraud and anti corruption policy v1 (175 KB)

pdf SISEAP Risk Assessment for Working with Vulnerable Persons (243 KB)

default Brilliant Futures fund link to online application form

Link to the Application Form

Previous Winners!

Review the benefits delivered by previous winners of the fund.   Each project has delivered life changing benefits to the women and girls.

Read about the winners and their projects

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SISEAP Membership

Soroptimist International is a global movement of women, with members belonging to more than 3,000 clubs in 126 countries/territories, spread over 5 Federations