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Living with Nature Art Competition

SISEAP run an annual living with Nature Art competition.  The art competition provides a vehicle for students to amplify their voices through visual art. SISEAP is pleased to be able to showcase the students creativity.  Their art works tell their story,  as they share their concens of how humans live and care for their environment.   

The competition was changed in 2024, the age ranges were extended to under 8, ages 8 to 12 years, then 13 to 18 years. The categories were extended to visual art expression, video and poetry, with separate prize money and recognition.

The process asks our clubs to form partnerships with local schools – often Art or English or Social Science or Science or multi-media teachers.

These teachers introduce environmental themes into their curriculum to ensure a deeper understanding of stewardship of nature in all its forms: joy of growing things, climate change, need for biodiversity and endemic species, pollution prevention, waterways/ beach/ ocean care, energy efficiency, and how to help students express their concern or joy as they participate in environmental education.  Art has a lasting personal impact for students, so the value of such expression cannot be underestimated.

Announcement of the winning entries conincided with World Environment Day 5 June 2024 and share the good news on social media.   This was more important as our new themes for SI and SISEAP are “Save Mother Earth” along with the 2024 UN theme of Restoration.

There were no entries for Video or app, or special effects, or poetry, or music or other cultural expression. The quality of the images made judging interesting.

Entries for 2024

In 2024 SISEAP was pleased to receive art entries from  clubs, schools and students.  the submitted entries were skillful, varied and thoughtful.  The evidence of local themes was illustrated in unique ways, so all entrants should be very proud of their creations.  We can only showcase the finalists, but pleased be assured that the judges considered all your work in detail, so that we could appreciate your individual style and environmental messages.  Judges were coming in blind without any context of your home, your lessons with teachers who guided you, or your local concerns.  So please appreciate our different backgrounds in curating your works.  Every entry was unique.

Winner:  Aged 8-12

Winner is Amy

‘Don’t let coke choke the ocean’ through Beenleigh Club:  mixed media collage with ocean and beach scene.   SDG 14, SDG 12, SDG 15

Commended:   (1) SI Invercargill Water Sprite: water colour – human interaction with water purity.  SDG 14, SDG 6,  (2) SI Invercargill - Angel - healing the world: unsure of the medium but a strong message in focussing on one section of the piece.  SDG 13, SDG 14, SDG 15 

Winner: aged 13-18

Winner is Jazlyn

‘Intergenerational Custodians’ through SI Invercargill Club.  This depicted the evolving role of humanity to protect the environment.


7 - 12 years age group

FIRST PRIZE:   Awarded to Eshal Naeem - When sustainability grows, we grow


THIRD PRIZE:  Charis Wong and Alexis Bailey 

Artist =- Eshal_Naeem, Australia 

Artist - Khloe Teo Malaysia 

Artist: Charis Wong., New Zealand

Charis writes, "This artwork is what I want for the future world. I want it to be more eco friendly so that the ocean is less polluted (with Jelly fishes around), new plants will be able to sprout (sprouting plant in the rain). We can have a clear sky (white cloud in the blue sky, less light pollution so that we can see the stars at night. We will be able to have fresh air to breathe (the blue swirl in the drawing. Minimize the use of pesticides so that bees and bugs can help pollinate the plants. We will have a beautiful nature scenery through the seasons (cherry blossom, green vines, autumn leaves). Therefore we should reduce, reuse and recycle to save our world now. " 

Artist Alexis Bailey, Australia 

Under 7 years

FIRST PRIZE:  Gabrielle Chavarri 

Artist Gabriella Chavarri aged 5 years 

13 -18 Years

FIRST PRIZE: Low Yeong Shi

SECOND PRIZE: Kira Manning

Artist - Low Yeong Shi, Malaysia 

Using a wavy art style reminiscent of water, wind, and sound, this artwork portrays two contrasting environments. On the left, there's the thriving tree, while the right side represents a polluted setting, with air pollution and rising temperatures. As temperatures soar, drought becomes evident, manifesting as cracks on the figure's head. Below, a polar bear underscores the impact of melting ice on its habitat. The water emerging from the figure's mouth appears dirty, with floating debris—an unsettling reminder of the widespread issue of microplastics in our food, resulting from irresponsible human actions. Overall, the central female figure symbolizes both Mother Nature's resilience and the strength to fight for her rights. Nature too will fight for itself, and the consequences of our actions will inevitably return to us.

Artist - Kira Manning - Australia

Walking the Earth in harmony with ancestors, animals, plants and spirits

Video Art Work

FIRST PRIZE:  Matilda Grant and Tianian Shen 

Video Entry - Filmmakers Matilda Grant and Tiantian Shen. The video focus is on the impact of waste with a strong call to action to 'pick it up' 

SISEAP Membership

Soroptimist International is a global movement of women, with members belonging to more than 3,000 clubs in 126 countries/territories, spread over 5 Federations