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Presidents Message 2024-2026

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International Women’s Day (IWD), #InspireInclusion,  Inclusion is a verb,  or that is how I was going to start my March article, and then I thought better check that Inclusion is a verb (and I say this tongue in cheek), don’t want to offend our grammar members, only to go to the dictionary and see that it is a NOUN,  I thought wait a minute a NOUN refers to a ‘thing” whereases as to me Inclusion is something we should all be doing, so it is a doing word a VERB, so I put down my dictionary, and when to google, and guess what there are others out there who think similarly, there are even authors who have written books titled Inclusion is a Verb, so much for my thinking I was being original. But back to Inclusion, Inclusion is something we can act out everyday, invite someone into your life, advocate for all people, make sure that everyone at the committee table is included in the discussion and jobs, be respectful to all, we all want to be included in some way, valued and respected, be that person who acts to be inclusive.

Soroptimists have long been grass roots leaders, and our work in our communities should be celebrated, and hosting a IWD event is a great time to celebrate with your community the valuable work you have contributed, so as your club gears up for IWD, plan to celebrate. IWD now lasts for a week and some countries are calling March “women’s month”, extending IWD is good news, more time to celebrate our wins and even more time to advocate for the continued injustices.  Remember to use social media throughout the week.  The Programme team and Communication team (Oriana and Jess) have put together a great resource pack and I see that clubs have started to use these in their social feeds, use this link to the Trello board to view and download these resources,  I know that your events will be successful, that your guest speakers will inspire and that we will all continue to walk the path together for Human Rights for all.

This month there will be several new members reading this bulletin, as we welcome to our sisterhood the members of the newly chartered club SI SIEAP Sisters Online, I hope that many of you were able to view the virtual charter ceremony, congratulations to Kim Hainsworth, charter club president, and Membership Convenor Yvonne Simpson on the astounding successful charter and welcome to the new members, may you receive friendship and enjoyment as you go about your Soroptimist work. 

1st of March is for us in the leadership team means we are getting down to the pointy end for this biennium, Federation Secretary Sue will be sending out regular information both in the bulletin and emails direct to club’s email accounts about the Annual General Meeting, the General Meeting and the Federation meeting.  These events will happen on the 3rd of May at Twin Towns on the Gold Coast.   Clubs will be expected to have a club representative (old term Delegate) at these meetings.  Reports, motions for resolutions, agendas and supporting documents will all start to be received into your club’s email accounts, watch out for these and the action items.   There will also be a dedicated page on the website in the members area for you to access the information and download the documents. 

If you wish to contribute to the running of the Federation, there are several positions vacant 2 positions in the Programme Team, and two young members (under 40) to join the Global Youth Forum, links and information available for both positions in the members area of the website. The Federation is also calling for Directors for the SISEAP Company, do you have the skills, drive, are innovative then please join us, the Federation and company cannot function unless members step up, work as a team to lead the Federation.

Programme Convenor, Dr Donnell Davis, myself, CSW scholarship awardee Ashiah Binti Hassan Hasri, will be joining Leigh Ellwood-Brown and Siew Yong Gnanlingam in New York for CSW68, we will be presenting several parallel events, these events will showcase the work of Soroptimists in our Federation.  Please join us for the live webinar Educate Empower Enable - Feminist Financial Freedom scheduled for Wed, Mar 20, 2024 7.30 AM - 8:00 AM AEDT Register to attend here

Remember that you can participate from home, be informed, learn what others are doing to advance human rights, head to the NGOCSW website to register see what other parallel events are being held virtually and register to attend these.

Have a great IWD week, and I hope you have purchased your SISEAP branded purple ribbon, wear with pride, start the conversation about why you are a Soroptimist.

SISEAP Membership

Soroptimist International is a global movement of women, with members belonging to more than 3,000 clubs in 126 countries/territories, spread over 5 Federations