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Programme News

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AA4A Webinar

Adolescents: Agents for Advocacy Webinar

South East East Asia Pacific women have unique challenges.  However, these women are resilient, innovative and collaborative.   

Join SISEAP delegates from New York for this interactive webinar.   Friday 14th March 6.30pm New York time, Saturday 15th March 8.30 AEDT

With over 60% of our population under 25 years old (UNFPA), their future needs to have a safer environment from climate, conflict and corruption. Young girls and women are at highest risk of danger, disease, distress, duress, and denied freedom through modern slavery and human trafficking  

Join SISEAP as we navigate pathways to the future for adolescents which  include proper recognition, quality education, preventative health, safe technology, economic empowerment, and participation as outlined in the UN Pact for the Future.  

Register for the SISEAP CSW Parallel event

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CSW69 Keep Informed

CSW69 Information and News for SISEAP members

To keep SISEAP members informated on CSW69, a dedicated SISEAP CSW69 website page has been created.  Here you will find all related information, how to register for virtual participation, who the SISEAP delegates are, what SI and SISEAP side event and parallel events are being planned.  Why we participate at CSW.  

Link to the CSW69 website page

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Education Day 2024 President Christine

2022-2024 President Christine Johnstone provides a snap shot of some of the projects undertaken by SISEAP clubs in 2023. 

Education is a human right, and Soroptimist from the South East Asia Pacific Federation spend time, energy and finances on education projects which empower individuals, embrace opportunities across the whole life cycle, shape and build strong communities strengthening bonds and fostering better understanding and perspectives. 

Through various projects undertaken by Soroptimist clubs, individuals are empowered and communities are strengthened. From providing STEM workshops to unconventional teaching methods for immigrant women, these projects aim to shape and build strong communities.

Additionally, scholarships, educational resources, and financial assistance were provided to those in need.

The impact of education is highlighted, as each additional year of schooling can significantly improve lifetime earnings and reduce maternal deaths.

Soroptimists are determined to create positive change and let their voices be heard.

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Programme Best Practice Awards Nominations

2025 Best Practice Awards for Programme Nominations are open

Does your club have a project or advocacy campiagn which you consider is worthy of recogonition?  Nominate your club now for a SISEAP Federation Programme Best Practice Award.

Projects or Advocacy must have been started and completed during 2024, and it may be a new phase of an ongoing project or advocacy.

Your report must have been submitted to the SISEAP Programme database and have been approved. 

Applications close on the 1st of April 2025.

Awards are open for each of the 8 objectives and Award recipients will be announced at the Federation Meeting in May 2025.

Complete your clubs nomination below.

Nominate Here

Goal 2: The Soroptimist Federations will be linked through their efforts to improve the lives of women and girls through education, empowerment and enabling opportunities.

  1. Education (SDG 4 and most other SDGs in some way)
  2. Elimination of violence (SDGs 3,5,11,16)
  3. Economic empowerment(SDGs 1,2,7,8,9)
  4. Food security(SDGs 1,2,3,15)
  5. Healthcare(SDGs 2,3,10,11)
  6. Environmental sustainability/water and sanitation(SDGs 6,7,11,12,14,15)
  7. Conflict resolution/peace promotion(SDGs 16,11)
  8. Disaster relief, mitigation and resilience(SDGs 5,13,16)

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International Day of the Girl Child

International Day of the Girl Child is an annual and internationally recognized observance on October 11 that empowers girls and amplifies their voices.

Like its adult version, International Women’s Day celebrated on March 8, International Day of the Girl Child acknowledges the importance, power, and potential of adolescent girls by encouraging the opening up of more opportunities for them. 

At the same time, this day is designated to eliminate gender-based challenges that little girls face around the world, including child marriages, poor learning opportunities, violence, and discrimination.

It incorporates the Rights of the Child, 2011 recognition of Girls and 75th anniversary of Human Rights Declaration

Link to media assets

Link to download the International Day of the Girl Child 2024 tool kit,  use the information to advocate for full participation of girls to education.  Assets to assist you with a social media campaign, speak at events, create awareness.

  pdf Download Here  (2.42 MB)

Day of the Girl Child 2024 Toolkit

It is a  right for all girls to have access education. Therefore, it is relevant to highlight education, especially as SDG4 refers to Quality Education, which leads to Decent work and Economic Growth (SDG8)  On this years International Day of the Girl Child we specifically target Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) as women are under-represented studying and working in this field.

This is of vital importance as:

  • The key to a life of increased opportunity is education
  • Every girl should have a key to that front door
  • When she enters that door the opportunity that Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) gives is accelerated route to emerging future industries
  • She becomes a beacon for future and a great role model for others

Dr Donnell Davis

SISEAP Programme Convenor

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Advocacy Reporting Guide

Advocacy involves acting or speaking on behalf of yourself or others to bring about change. It may be undertaken in a number of different ways such as meetings, letter writing, petitions - all identifying  a case for change and often detailing what  action you see achieving this change. It may be used at each of the various levels of government or to other organisations.

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SISEAP Education Day Video

SISEAP Education Day Video showcasing some of the wonderful Education focused Projects from Clubs around the Soroptimist International South East Asia Pacific Federation.

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SISEAP Membership

Soroptimist International is a global movement of women, with members belonging to more than 3,000 clubs in 126 countries/territories, spread over 5 Federations