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  • South east asia Pacific


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This month marks the end of the first year of this biennium. The first year has been extremely successful, with a great team working together we have achieved so much.  To hear about our achievements, and plan for the future and have your voice represented, make sure that your club has elected your representative to the Company AGM, Company General Meeting and the Federation Meeting. There will also be provision for silent observers to listen into the proceedings. There is a lot of information and much to be proud of to share with our members, including the much anticipated and prized Best Practice Awards for Programme and Membership.

I had 5 themes which I asked all clubs to incorporate into one or more of their club programme work this biennium, a few months ago I discussed Equity, Environment is another of the themes and it is appropriate to discuss this month, World Environment Month which is on the 5th of June, and the Federation wide Living with Nature Art competition on now until October. Do you feel better when you are outside? I know that when out in the fresh air my mood changes, I feel brighter and lighter and it gives me that burst of oxygen to get through the day. I do so much of the days planning whilst out walking each morning, as I know many of us do.

I hope that each of us lives near, or is able to visit, a natural open environment where we can reconnect with nature. Make sure you take the time each day to reconnect.

Recently at CSW67, SISEAP presented the Digital Democracy for Disasters presentation. One of the slides in the presentation showcased the severity of disasters in our Federation.

Image 1: Take a look at image 1, this image depicts countries at high risk of disasters, look at the countries marked in the darker red, just about all of our Federation countries are at high risk.  This is a prime example of why Environment, Disasters and Climate change should be a topic which Soroptimist clubs tackle in your programme work.

Image 1

Image 2

Image 2: Depicts how countries can change in vulnerability with human intervention. But where is the equity in this? Australia and New Zealand, with a higher GDP, has turned green but our other Federation countries and the pacific islands (not shown in this image), are still in the medium to high risk. This is where you as a Soroptimist can use your voice and actions to bring about democracy and equity across our Federation. It is not too late to think about actions by yourself and your club over the Month of June. Topics to consider; Prevention (early warning systems, indigenous and local knowledge of care for our land), Reducing Harm (short term actions such as build barriers, fire breaks, cool burn, emergency packs and alarms, evacuation plans), Mitigating risk (evacuation plans, early warning systems, safe havens, carbon reduction, tree planting), Good Governance Systems (emergency management systems, formal intervention, advocacy).

Do you value your membership of Soroptimist International? Do you believe in the future of Soroptimist International South East Asia Pacific? Do you understand that our future is reliant on women who have the attitude and believe in what we do, who step up to take on leadership roles. You have to be that person, you cannot sit back and wait for that ‘someone’ else to say, “I can do this”. Being President is an absolute honor and privilege, the growth in myself and the increased knowledge of how and why we do the work we do as Soroptimists is powerful, the support and encouragement by members, the work undertaken by the Directors and extended leadership team means that I do not do this alone, each has a set of skills and strengths, trust in each other. In this month’s Bulletin is a survey undertaken by the Membership team on Leadership roles. I urge all Soroptimists to follow the link and complete the survey. Have you heard about the Thriving Futures Program? This leadership development program is being offered by the Federation, please consider undertaking this course.

I hope to see all of you at the company AGM, General Meeting and the Federation meeting in the coming weeks, whilst we are not meeting face to face, we can celebrate being a Soroptimist.

Christine Johnstone
President 2022 - 2024
Soroptimist International South East Asia Pacific

SISEAP Membership

Soroptimist International is a global movement of women, with members belonging to more than 3,000 clubs in 126 countries/territories, spread over 5 Federations