SISEAP is preparing for the migration of our google accounts URL which is the generic email accounts, currently which will be moving to This migration will be for directors, head office staff, position holders, clubs, Regions and National Presidents.
Dear Members
We are excited to announce that, effective October 15th, Soroptimist International South East Asia Pacific will be updating our email URL to The new email now reflects the name change which occurred last year to Soroptimist International South East Asia Pacific, to meet our expanded geographical focus and diverse membership.
This change aligns with our ongoing commitment to Educate, Empower, and Enable women and girls across the Asia Pacific region. While our name is evolving, our vision and mission remain steadfast.
This information is important, please use the Select Language option to translate into your desired language.
This is planned for Friday 11th of October commencing at 6pm AEST.
Whilst the migration is occurring you will be unable to access your siseap email account, the organisation will potentially be without email for up to 48 hours (according to Google). For some this will be less for others more.
Important information for all members, and actions which will need to be taken ASAP.
For the full list of SISEAP generic email accounts download the document. Email accounts for clubs, regions and National Presidents will change to:
si<clubname> to si<clubname>
si<regionname> to si<regionname>
swp<country name> to si<country name>
For all other position holders see attached list.
When we make the change to the new you will NO LONGER have access to the old email account of for example -, all emails will be transfered to the new account. You will need to log into this new account using your existing password. You will need to know your existing password.
You will need to monitor the siseap website for notification of when the migration is completed to know when to log into the account.
What impact will this have on you?
Emails: All of your emails will be copied over.
Drive: All of your drive files and folders will be copied over.
Contacts: Your contacts will be copied over, you will need to set up new labels and groups.
Password: The password to your current email account will be copied over to the new email account. It is important that you know your current password, as after the changeover you will need to log into your email account using the @siseap address and password.
Accounts you work with
You need to write down all of the social media platforms, services and newsletters which you use your @siswp email account to log into and the password that you use to log into these services. An example document has been prepared to assist you with known platforms.
Download here
(122 KB)
Why do I need to list all of the accounts associated with our email account.?
After the change from to you will need to log into all of these services and go to settings and change the email account connected with the service. This is important, as you will not be able to recover the account if you cannot reset password or authenticate yourself. If you request a password reset, or forgotten password, this email authentication will go to the old email account and not the new one, you will be locked out.
Notify all the contacts in your accounts deal with.
Without notification of the email change, people whom your club has dealings with will not be able to contact you. Prior to the email address change, you should send out a general notification to all contacts in your contacts list. Stating the existing email address is being replaced and this change will take effect on or after the 11 October. This action will ensure that you continue to receive communications from your contacts. You will also follow up with another email after the 11th of October confirming the change. Example notification email has been prepared to assist you.
Download Here
(352 KB)
Begin immediately to identify all the accounts your is associated with and note down the password used to log into these accounts, use the list prepared to assist you, complete the list with additional ones you identify.
30 September - Send out an announcement letter Example Below.
14h October - Perform the following tasks:
- Log into your club email account, using the new club email address and the existing password.
- Change the club email signature.
- Go to Contacts and edit any email accounts for other SISEAP clubs which you regularly have email contact with, update from to
- Send out an announcement letter to all your contacts informing them of the new email account.
- In your contacts lists, edit any contacts for other siseap clubs, regions or associations you contact, update their accounts by changing the @siswp to, or delete the account and create a new contact.
- Clubs will need to email all their club members that the new email account is now active, tell them to go to their contacts list in their personal email accounts and search for and delete and add in the new email account of, they will also have to do this for any other siseap email accounts they have had previous dealings with.
- Locate the list of accounts/platforms already prepared and noted on the list, log into each of these accounts using the email address and password, locate the settings for the account and update the email account to the new address.
Stationery / Brochures
Over time, update all of your clubs stationary, brochures and social media material you use with the new email account. Or alternatively, you can get some stickers printed with your new email account, website details, facebook details etc and use this to place over your existing brochures etc.
Download these documents
List of generic SISEAP email address
(70 KB)
Email address change
(121 KB)
List of all social media and other platforms
(122 KB)
Example notification email letter to contacts
(352 KB)