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DUAL membership. SISEAP Soroptimists can now be paid members of two SISEAP clubs at the same time. Dual membership supports struggling clubs and enables Soroptimists to give service at the club level in two clubs. 

Click HERE to find Dual Membership Information Sheet. 

We encourage Soroptimists to give service through the vertical structure - many hold concurrent multiple posts at club, national, federation and international levels. Dual membership enables Soroptimists to provide service across a horizontal structure.
This membership option is for SISEAP Soroptimists only.
A second membership number will be allocated by SISEAP HQ for membership of the second club.

Areas where this would be particularly useful

  • Support for an at-risk club: If a club is struggling with numbers or position holders, or members lack experience in holding office, an experienced Soroptimist from another club could join, take office and support the club rebuild.
  • Joining an Online Club: Soroptimists who wish to remain active in their face-to-face club, could join an Online Club and provide a different role.
  • Soroptimists who have a loyalty to their first club, but move to another geographical area, can be full members of both clubs. This can apply to Life Members.

• A Soroptimist must be a financial member of a primary club, having paid full annual federation fees. The Soroptimist must indicate on her application which is her primary club.
• Membership of the second club has an annual federation fee of 25% of the full federation fee The fees quoted above are those due to the federation. Other fees club members pay, eg region, national and club administration fees are set by those groups and the Soroptimist must pay the same as other club members.
• The Sl fee is paid only once - and the Soroptimist is counted only once for statistical purposes.
To hold dual membership the Soroptimist must apply to the SISEAP Membership Convenor.

Click HERE to find latest Dual Membership FAQ addressed by SISEAP Membership Convenor and SISEAP President. 

SISEAP Membership

Soroptimist International is a global movement of women, with members belonging to more than 3,000 clubs in 126 countries/territories, spread over 5 Federations