Highly Recommend Soroptimists to attend the Thriving Futures workshop course!
That was the clear message from eleven Soroptimists from eight clubs across Aotearoa New Zealand after they attended the 15th – 17th June course recently held in Wellington.
Soroptimists some very experienced, some relatively new, came from a mixture of clubs across our National Region. However, we all had the same goal, to learn from Anthea Penny the Facilitator and each other, on how we can re-energise our Soroptimist clubs to retain and build our membership. We scored the program very highly, the overall evaluation results were 94.8%.
With very clear goals Anthea took us through the course content.
Pre Workshop Webinar
Attend a pre two-day workshop Webinar that discusses the programme contents and introduces members to recruitment planning cycle and the pre analysis required.

Content of the Two day workshop
- Understand the case for change regarding our declining membership and the need for action.
- Using a strategic model, share and discuss the analysis of our clubs / regions, Strengths, Weaknesses Opportunities and Threats SWOT., together with the dynamics of Soroptimist Clubs and Renewal Processes
- Explore the key elements of a high-functioning club and strategies that encourage office holding and recruitment and develop tactics for recruitment.
- Prepare a plan for recruitment and retention for individual participant’s clubs containing Goals, SMART objectives, criteria for evaluation and a timeline.
- Develop your narrative for change and call to action for your club and practice the narrative and Elevator Pitch
Post Two-day workshop
Coaching in groups is available port workshop and the final presentation of each participant’s club is presented online in four months’ time
What worked well for participants?
“Having specific items to work on and the flow of the programme. The opportunity to meet an amazing group of interesting, very motivated, positive women and hear the many different ways clubs work and the personalities encountered. The skills I have gained and the courage to go back, analyse them and use them”.
“Meeting and making new connections with others in SIANZ who have a likeminded view of Soroptimism and want to make a change in how we look at what we are doing to support strong and not-so-strong clubs”.
“I loved the friendship and laughter; the feeling of safety in saying what I felt and the feeling of support. I am an idea’s person and I felt the environment we were in allowed many thoughts to come forth. I LOVE THAT!”
If you are interested in the Thriving Futures Program which now contains a 2 day face-to-face workshop, please contact me at swpmembership2020@siswp.org or Anthea Penny at swppresidentelect2020@siswp.org
Kristeen Johnston
2024-2026 Membership Convenor