Educate, Empower, Enable three statements we refer to in written and vocal communication. As Soroptimists we create projects which empower women every day, but to do this important work we must empower ourselves. SISEAP has recently ran two Thriving Futures programs, where 28 attended the Kuala Lumpur program and 15 attended the Western Australia one.
Through the participation in these courses, our members have gained empowerment as this training equips them with essential tools, resources, and skills required to make informed choices and effectively solve problems. If you would like to know more about this program, reach out to your membership zone coordinators or Membership convenor Yvonne, and enquire if the Thriving Futures program can be held in your area.

The Living with Nature art competition, a project I created to provide a voice to our youth through visual art has crowded its champions. Visual art provides communication and self-expression beyond what words can convey. My hope was that our youth would be engaged, and that the clubs which undertook the project would connect with their community through this project. Artwork was received from 3 countries, Malaysia, Australia and New Zealand. The artists are very talented, including two budding film makers Matilda Grant and Tianian Shen - their video covers the impact of waste with a strong call to action 'Pick it up' . Please visit the website to view these artworks, and consider speaking to your club members to participate in this competition next year.
Federation Art competition entries. View here.

Left: First Prize Winner 13-18 years age group - Low Yeong Shi, Malaysia.
Right: First Prize Winner 7-12 years age group - Eshal_Naeem, Australia.
Continuing my theme "Our Voice for Change”, the Programme team interviewed two young women for the International Day of the Girl Child. I encourage members to play these videos at club meetings or events. They are short videos, each is under 8 minutes and showcase our project and advocacy work. The video are available for viewing from the SISEAP YouTube channel. Click here to view.
I hope that all members were able to participate in the October is Membership month campaign. Did you complete the survey at your club? I know that the SISEAP family of social media was alight with many events and activities undertaken during October to raise awareness to our organisation. I thank you all for your input and hope that there is success in increased membership.

With two months remaining until the close of yet another successful year, we are not shifting into holiday mode just yet. November and December are gearing up to be busy weeks when we amplify our Voices to bring awareness to ending domestic and gender-based violence. Please continue to visit our website for updates during these final two months.
Yours in Soroptimist friendship,
Christine Johnstone
President 2022-2024
Soroptimist International South East Asia Pacific